Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty


Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is the definitive procedure to improve and remove the eyelid pockets that form after forty, as well as excess skin of the upper eyelids.

The effects of age and aging are visible at different points of your face. However, the first place they are usually visualized is in the area closest to the eyes. Specifically, on the eyelids and lower bags. They tend to swell and darken so that our appearance seems somewhat more tired. Such is the daily life of this effect that, as a result, the operation of eyelids or blepharoplasty has become popular.


Specific details of the procedure:

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Surgery time

45 minutes
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)


Lidocaine as a local anesthetic.
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)


Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)


10 days
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)


Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)


Long lasting



Eyelid surgery stands out for those people, women or men alike, who want to avoid aging in the eyelid area and eliminate the bags under the eyes.

In general, it is an aesthetic surgery that is practiced in patients with good health of all kinds, although in particular those over 35 years.

On the day of the initial consultation we proceed to perform an anamnesis (historical medical count) to know the patient’s history. Then in front of the mirror is done, detailed planning of the procedure and surgical options.

As in any procedure, laboratory tests and cardiovascular and respiratory evaluation. It is also examined by the anesthesiologist before surgery where the patient is explained in detail, the type of anesthesia most appropriate for your case. If you suffer from hypertension, diabetes or thyroid, you should be controlled and obtain the authorization of your GP.


The recovery lasts for 10 days, after which the patient can return to their daily activities.

Expected results

The best thing about an operation as common as blepharoplasty is that the results are quite fast and natural compared to other cosmetic surgery techniques. Despite having scars that remain pink in the first few weeks, after a few months, the lines are virtually invisible. To see results of this surgery, visit our gallery


Blepharoplasty, like any other plastic surgery, should be performed in an operating room under the right conditions. It usually lasts between one and two hours, depending on the surgery necessary.

As for the specific procedure, the upper eyelids are started, in the case of dealing with the upper and lower areas, and the incisions are located on the natural lines of the eyelid. In the case of the lower bags, the incisions are normally located just below the eyelashes.

Blepharoplasty lasts 45 minutes, lidocaine is used as a local anesthetic. Comfort, as well as safety, is the most important thing, so since the patient is in his suite we administer a sedative orally, after which the anesthesiologist and the nurse channel him and take him to the surgery room.

The incisions in the eyelid surgery are imperceptible, they are not seen because they are placed exactly one millimeter below the eyelashes, in the lower eyelid, while in the upper one it is made in the natural crease, therefore unless you Tell someone who has had eyelid surgery, nobody will notice.


Immediately the blepharoplasty ends, we proceed to leave the patient in the recovery room for 15 minutes and then he is taken to his room for tea and some broth, after two hours of discharge.

The recovery lasts for 10 days, after which the patient can return to their daily activities.

The first three days we always indicate to the patient to use cold gasitas with chamomile tea without sugar, alternating, 10 minutes with the cold gasita and 10 minutes without it.

It is surprising how after three days with chamomile tea the inflammation decreases by more than 80%.

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