Mentonplastia - Implante Facial - Facial Implants

Duration: 30 minutes
Recovery: 7 days
Travel: 7 days

The facial implant surgery is fascinating and produces results which equally satisfy surgeons and patients alike. In the true sense of the words; it’s pure art. Plastic surgery has in its arsenal, silicone implants for specific areas of the face; the most common are the chin, malar implants and nasal implants.


It is the specific type of implant for the chin. It has an anatomical shape and is inserted through the mouth. The incision zone is the buccal vestibule; precisely the area which is in front of the lower teeth. The incision we make has 2 centimeters and through it we design the exact space or bag for the placement of the prosthesis. It comes in different models and sizes which adjust to the needs of each patient.


The chin augmentation surgery lasts 15 minutes. The points to close the incision in the oral mucus absorb themselves, avoiding any discomfort during the recovery period which is typically one week.

With local anesthesia and sedation is how the surgery is performed. The patient stays in the recovery room for 1 hour after which he can return home. The inflammation is usually minimal and the patient can return to work three days later.

There are cases on which, instead of increasing the chin, the objective will be to reduce it. In these patients, the treatment usually takes the same incision but the recovery takes at least 2 weeks. What we do is reduce the jawbone with osteotomy and removal of the amount of bone that causes an excessive chin.

There are cases where it is not only the chin, but the complete jaw; in these patients, we perform an orthognatic surgery after an orthodontic treatment in conjunction with maxillofacial surgery.

Chin augmentation is often combined with nose surgery to achieve greater harmony in the face. Besides the bichectomy, or removal of the bichat bags is one of the most performed procedures along with the mentoplasty.


The malar area, which is where the cheek begins, turns out to be an elementary element for the harmony of the face and also what most projects the facial youth.

The malar implant procedure is performed through a small incision below the eyebrow, which is imperceptible for weeks after the procedure. It’s performed under local anesthesia and sedation on an outpatient basis, with a recovery period of not more than 7 days.

As in all cases of facial implants, each patient has specific requirements and both the patient’s expectations as their needs are taken into account. There are persons who might think they need these implants, when instead, they need another type of procedure and even to have nothing done. Hence the importance of a detailed assessment both esthetic and psychological in our office. The most recommendable are the natural results it’s essential for us that the patients know the details of what the medical and esthetic criteria allow us to perform. If you do not qualify, we sincerely recommend not to operate or be prepared to do so in another occasion always according to the criteria and protocols worldwide used in cosmetic surgery.