Otoplastia - Otoplasty

Otoplasty is a surgery in which the deformities of the ear are resolved; These can be very varied from the total absence of the ear (microtia) to simply a very remarkable projection of the same by the absence of antehelix or helix.

The most frequent otoplasty is the operation of detached ears (separate, prominent, protruding, in loop). In traditional methods (the best known are those of Converse, Stenström and Pitanguy), the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear to expose and reshape the cartilage. Now there are new techniques for otoplasty without incisions and simply permanent sutures are used that are placed behind the ear under the skin to help keep the new shape of the ear in place. Among the best known methods are the Fritsch method and the Merck method.

This surgical procedure does not improve the patient’s hearing, but their self-esteem. In cases of microtia it is sometimes necessary to reconstruct it, plastic surgery offers many alternatives, one of them is the Brent technique that consists of four surgical times and reconstructs the ear in a period of 2 years after a great job surgical and artisanal. There are other techniques that have offered their reconstruction in a single surgical time without the same results.


The intervention can be done with local anesthesia and it is an intervention of an estimated time between 1 and 2h in duration. It does not require hospitalization so the patient can return home a few hours after having performed the operation.

There are two different types of intervention depending on the case to be treated. If the unfolding is not very large, the cartilage is folded and sutures are given in the skin. If the unfolding is very large, the cartilage is anchored to the skull and the excess skin is removed.

The results are appreciable from the first moment where it is appreciated that the ears are stuck to the head, although during the postoperative period a band is worn that does not allow to see the final position of the ears.

The postoperative is important to wear the elastic band to finish fixing the posture of the ears and avoid dirt, this way you have to let the ears heal. It is also important to avoid heat sites so it is recommended to perform the operation in winter. During at least one week, antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatories are usually prescribed, the first two days being the most uncomfortable post-operative.

Source: wikipedia