Calves augmentation with implants


Myoplasty is the name of the procedure of plastic and aesthetic surgery that serves to increase the volume of the posterior muscle of the leg, through the placement of an implant.


Specific details of the procedure:

Myoplasty (Calves augmentation)

Surgery Time

1 hour and a half
Myoplasty (Calves augmentation)


General with sedation
Myoplasty (Calves augmentation)


1 night
Myoplasty (Calves augmentation)


15 days
Myoplasty (Calves augmentation)


Myoplasty (Calves augmentation)





Anyone who is not confirmed with the volume of their calves or has some asymmetry, can be increased by implants. The ideal candidate could present:

  • Injuries to the lower limbs
  • Men and women with undeveloped twins
  • People who still practice sports do not get the desired volume in this area.
  • Patients who have suffered neurological diseases.
  • Patients with orthopedic problems.

Calf augmentation surgery is performed in both men and women, the important thing is that the patient has reached the age of majority and has a complete physical development and is in good health psychophysical.

It is not recommended in people with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or lung diseases.


The main advantage of this procedure is that its result is permanent and offers an improvement in the lower part of the leg.

This procedure can help correct traumas in the lower limbs.

Expected results

Calf augmentation through prosthetic placement offers immediate results. To see the final result, it is necessary to wait a few weeks, until the inflammation has subsided and some bruises that could remain from the surgery disappear.

There will be some small scars, results of the incision behind the knees, so that they are hidden behind the folds. To promote healing and reduce it, it is advisable to start caring for the scars immediately with the application of creams, always following the instructions of Dr. Franklin Peña.


The increase consists of the placement of a prosthesis on the gastrocnemius muscle through an incision of about 5cm, made in the area below the knee to create a pocket between the facsia and the underlying muscle in which the prosthesis will be placed.


During the rest period, the patient should wear a compression bandage for approximately 2 weeks or those indicated by Dr. Franklin Peña, as it helps control inflammation.

The next 2 days after the operation it is recommended to maintain an absolute rest by keeping the legs up, and avoid exerting excessive force on the calves.

During the first few days, you may experience some discomfort, which will be calmed down with pre-written analgesics for these purposes.

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