Abdominal surgery (abdominal dermolipectomy)


It is surgery to remove excess skin and fat that accumulates in the abdomen as a result of pregnancy, obesity and age.

The objectives of the tummy tuck are to flatten and tighten the abdomen giving the appearance of an athletic abdomen, to remove excess skin reducing or eliminating stretch marks with scars located within the line of the bikini so that they are not very visible, to improve the definition of the waist, decrease the thickness of subcutaneous fat throughout the abdomen and correct the relaxation of the abdominal wall.


Specific details of the procedure:


Surgery time

2 hours


Regional with sedation


1 night


15 days







Candidates for abdominoplasty should be as close as possible to their ideal weight before the tummy tuck is performed. Obese patients are, in general, bad candidates for tummy tucks, since they have a higher risk of complications during the healing process after surgery. Eat a well-balanced diet and take care of your health by losing weight before undergoing tummy tuck surgery.

The surgery of the abdomen is better adapted to healthy women and men who have a good physical condition or relatively good, but who can not achieve the desired aspect in their abdomen with diets and exercises, due to the flaccidity that it presents.

The proper preparation for tummy tuck surgery helps ensure that the results of the tummy tuck are optimal, with fewer complications and with the quickest possible recovery from surgery. Consult with Dr. Franklin Peña experienced tummy tuck specialist today to analyze in detail the preparation plan.


The advantages of a tummy tuck are many. Removal of excess skin and repair of the abdominal muscles (after pregnancy) will give an appearance of firmness in your abdomen.

Decreased stretch marks that appear by stretching the skin below the navel.

It can also provide other benefits, which are not necessarily aesthetic, such as increasing self-confidence.


You will appreciate a noticeable change immediately after the surgery. Subsequently inflammation occurs in varying degrees, this is usually greater around the fifth day.

Most of the inflammation has resolved once a month has elapsed, however after the month there is still inflammation and it is usually after three months when the final result in terms of body contour is appreciated. The scars take between 6 to 12 months to clear up.

To see results of this surgery, visit our gallery


Abdominoplasty is usually performed under regional anesthesia.

The surgery is designed according to the needs and specific characteristics of each patient.

It is usually advisable to start the surgery with liposuction of the abdomen to decrease subcutaneous fat, it is made of a transverse incision in the lower part of the abdomen so that the scar is located inside the bikini line.

The tissues are then dissected over the muscles to the upper part of the abdomen, the muscles are brought to the center improving the waist, the skin is stretched and the excesses are resected.

In the advanced skin a hole is made to reposition the navel in its normal position.

Finally drains are placed over the pubis and the wounds are closed.

Abdominoplasty is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon and a healthy patient. However, there are certain risks that you may know:
Abnormal scars: With an appropriate technique in most patients the scars are of excellent quality and camouflage perfectly within the bikini line.

Occasionally due to the patient’s own factors, enlargement, thickening or dark pigmentation of the scar may occur, which may require correction. There may also be a narrowing of the umbilicus.


You can walk immediately the day after surgery, in fact it is recommended that you walk at least 3 or 4 times a day for 1 to 2 minutes each time. It is very possible that you can not walk fully upright or straight. You will feel the skin of the abdomen warm and you should usually walk with your back slightly flexed during the first 4 to 5 days.

After the fourth day it is recommended that you try to walk upright, normally on the sixth or seventh day you should walk with your back completely straight.

The drains are removed usually 5 to 7 days later depending on the drainage. It is recommended to use a strip in the postoperative period for about 4 to 6 weeks.

This is not a scar-free surgery, in fact, the scars can be severe depending on the amount of skin to be removed, the way the patient heals, and if you heal well of the skill of the surgeon and the techniques used.

The scars are placed around the navel and transverse in the lower abdomen so that it can be perfectly camouflaged with a two-piece swimsuit. The length varies depending on the case.

When the abdominoplasty is performed alone, it is usually required between 2 to 4 days before being able to walk independently. The office work can be resumed in 5 to 7 days, for other jobs it takes 10 to 14 days. When associated with other procedures, you must have at least 10 to 14 days.

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