Athletic liposculpture


Athletic lipoeculture is known by many names: high definition lipo, 4D gym lipo, 3D lipo, abdominal lipmarking and many others that appear every day to sell this attractive procedure whose main objective is to define the muscles of the abdomen.

Something very important: liposculpture uses liposuction to meet its goals of shaping the body contour.

It should be noted that there are several laser technologies based on accumulated experience that have allowed clumps of fat to be dissolved, not too large, without having to remove them by suction, since the body itself is responsible for reabsorbing it.

It is what some professionals call laser lipolysis and it is used most frequently for the elimination of cellulite.

There are several types of liposuction available, these depend on the instrument used, and it should be noted that the method or technique to be used will depend on whether the patient is a candidate or not.

This intervention has the particularity that it is suitable for people who already have an athletic body, but need to define certain areas of the body, such as the chest and abdominals.


Specific details of the procedure:

Athletic liposculpture

Surgery time

1.5 hours
Athletic liposculpture


Athletic liposculpture


24 hours
Athletic liposculpture


15 days
Athletic liposculpture


Athletic liposculpture





They must be 18 years of age or older.

Pregnant or lactating women should not have liposuction.

People who suffer from some health problems are probably not good candidates for liposuction, candidates with heart problems, some diabetics or with obstructive lung diseases or acute and chronic infections.

This surgery is contraindicated for those patients with any type of immunosuppression problem, either acquired through diseases or through medications.

A good candidate is a person whose current weight does not exceed their ideal weight by more than 25 pounds, who is in excellent health and has fat deposits that do not respond to diet or exercise, so it is considered to be a active person.

Anyone who is on anticoagulant medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, should discontinue their use before and after surgery.

Considering that liposuction removes fat, but does not stretch the skin, patients with good skin elasticity will experience the best cosmetic results. For this reason, older patients have less elasticity in the skin than younger patients.


The biggest advantage is that you can eliminate the fat accumulated in certain areas difficult to work with diet and exercise.

Improvements in health, since the elimination of fat reduces the chances of suffering from heart problems, cholesterol, cancer or diabetes.

Liposculpture helps you feel comfortable with yourself and the postoperative period is relatively short, in a week you can return to activities, although it is good to take about 15 days of rest.

Expected results

The expected results should be kept realistic, since liposuction does not help to lose a substantial amount of weight, nor does it eliminate stretch marks or cellulite from the skin.

Liposuction can only eliminate small concentrations of localized fat. In most cases, up to 10 pounds of fat can be removed in the treatment area.

But, you must bear in mind that liposuction will not drastically modify its appearance.

After liposuction, the inflammation can last for weeks and sometimes months, which does not allow to clearly notice the results of the surgery. The skin of the treatment area also seems loose since it takes time for the body to adapt to its new and slender figure. It can take from one to three months until the swelling and bruising subsides, and up to six months for the skin to tense in the area from which the fat was removed.

We can conclude that the final results will be seen after six months. To see results of this surgery, visit our gallery


As in any other plastic surgery, Dr. Franklin Peña will give you the indications for the previous medical examination, which is essential to detect any possible anomaly that might contraindicate the operation.

The type of anesthesia used in this intervention will be determined by Dr. Peña according to the area to be treated and the volume of fat to be extracted. If the affected region is not very extensive it is possible to perform the surgery with local or regional anesthesia, but this will always be the surgeon’s option.


The patient must be accompanied to the procedure with a relative or friend, since he will feel some discomfort during the first days after the surgery.

The first days you will notice inflammation, and a post-surgical girdle will be recommended for this type of surgery that will help lower the swelling, as well as medications that help with pain and prevent infections.

Most of the inflammation disappears in the first weeks, it can take three months until the final result is seen.

You are advised to limit your physical activity in the first days, avoiding heavy exercises during the first 3 weeks. Usually, it will be about a month before you can return to your physical activities normally.

Like any other cosmetic surgery, there is a risk that a substance inflammation will occur as a result of liposuction; in fact, it is inevitable that there is some inflammation. During follow-up visits, it is important that you inform Dr. Franklin Peña about any changes in the degree of inflammation or any other side effects you notice after liposuction.

It is contraindicated to take aspirin in the post-operative period, you should only take the medication recommended by Dr. Peña, and you can start the lymphatic drainage after the intervention.

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