Gluteal lipoinjection or Brazilian Butt Lift


The gluteal lipoinjection or lipotransference is also known by the marketing term as BBL, the acronym for Brazilian Butt Lift as a reference to the Brazilian-style butt lift.

The buttock lipoinjection is the procedure that improves the shape and increases the volume of the buttocks . It consists in extracting fat from the patient through a liposuction that can include several areas, such as the abdomen, thighs and backs. After a specialized process of high technology this fat is treated to be injectable in the area of ​​the buttocks providing volume and shape safely.


Specific details of the procedure:

Gluteal Lipoinjection (BBL)

Surgery time

1-2 hours
Gluteal Lipoinjection (BBL)


General with sedation
Gluteal Lipoinjection (BBL)


1 night
Gluteal Lipoinjection (BBL)


15 days
Gluteal Lipoinjection (BBL)


Gluteal Lipoinjection (BBL)





It is considered that women older than 18 years are good candidates for lipoinjection.

As it is 2 procedures in one, being liposuction and injection, it is recommended that the patient is at her ideal weight, according to the body mass index according to her physical condition.

Pregnant or lactating women can not opt ​​for this procedure.

Anyone taking anti-coagulant medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen or any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug should discontinue the medication before and after surgery.

It is also important to remember that patients with immunological conditions or who suffer from diabetes, low blood pressure or heart or lung diseases should not undergo liposuction.

Since liposuction removes fat but does not stretch the skin, patients who have good skin elasticity will have the best aesthetic results.


  • Raises and lifts the buttocks
  • Corrects malformations in the buttocks
  • Help fight cellulite
  • Increase self-esteem

Expected results

The results of lipoinjection or lipotransference of the buttocks are immediately evident, or they may be better noticed after the inflammation has subsided a little.

It should not be expected that by means of this liposuction that is done to extract the fat that will be injected later, it helps to lose a substantial amount of weight, nor to eliminate stretch marks or the cellulitis of the treated skin.

Liposuction can only eliminate small concentrations of localized fat.

To see results of this surgery, visit our gallery


The gluteal lipoinjection procedure can be explained in three steps:

  1. It begins with liposuction to extract accumulated fat in certain areas of the patient, which could be the abdomen, back, hips, thighs, you can even extract it from the jowls. This extraction for lipotransfer purposes is done in small amounts to cause the least possible damage to the fat cells. These fat cells are extracted with a special cannula to limit the damage to the fat cells.
  2. Isolation of fat cells. Once the right amount of fat has been removed, it is spun at a very high speed in a centrifuge to separate the fat cells from the liquid that is also extracted during liposuction. In this process also damaged fat cells are removed. For fat transfer, only whole fat cells are used, which are not damaged and are clean.
  3. The fat transfer process is completed when it is injected into the specific place or places to achieve the desired volume and shape. At this point, Dr. Franklin Peña has already identified the place for each injection. With a hypodermic syringe, it will inject the fat cells to the depth needed to achieve the results of the desired transfer.


There may be slight swelling and bruising where the fat has been injected and removed. It is expected that the inflammation disappears in a few days, and pain discomfort that you feel can be controlled with analgesics. Like all surgical procedures, you must comply with the instructions offered by Dr. Franklin Peña, since he knows your medical history and is the best instructed in your particular case in this regard.

If the patient should be able to get up and walk after about 48 hours, some side effects may persist for a couple of weeks to a month. The patient must follow the instructions of Dr. Franklin Peña during the healing period and have the help of a family member or friend who attends her during the first days.

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